At the present time interlocking Pavers Bricks are the most used bricks for making decorative pavements on house exteriors and and commercial properties open spaces. They have been used in Zimbabwe for a long time since the 90’s. From back then until now most people refer to them as the best driveway paving bricks.
The interlocking pavers bricks are typically made of concrete though other composite materials are also used. Cement is part of the notably dominating materials used in the making. They come in grey, maroon and black colors. Occasionally they can be easily painted to any color of your choice.
Very strong and do not break easily, they last for as long as you want them on your yard. Furthermore interlock paving bricks gain more strength every time they come in contact with water. In essence these bricks are simply manufactured to last forever and they do not break easily.
There are so many laying patterns that can be used, you can lay them in straight patterns, zic zac pattterns et cetera. After all you can even put a name tag or house address on the driveway using these interlocking bricks. You can know the number of pavers needed on your driveway after measuring the area to be paved or by scaling from your house plans.
Reasons why you need Interlocking pavers bricks
There are so many compelling reasons why you definitely need a driveway pavement of these interlocking pavers bricks on your property. Among them there is getting rid of mud and creating a beautiful exterior of your properties.
The only resources you need to have your property landscaped with beautiful paving designs are:
Interlocking Pavers $228 per 1000 bricks (colored)
Interlocking Pavers $208 per 1000 bricks (plain grey)
Quarry dust $15 per cubic
Polythene Plastic
Weed killer
Labor $3 only per square meter.
Zimbabwe Building Materials Suppliers
With Zimbabwe Building Materials Suppliers you will always get all materials at their best prices
email: sales@zbms.co.zw
call: +263778 767 374
+263716 782 260
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