In ancient times farm bricks were bricks of the days but as knowledge increased with experience, people upgraded to semi commons. Due to misinterpretation of building materials, the majority of Zimbabweans think farm brick is another name for semi common bricks. An upgraded and improved can not be the same with the older, rather its better and modernized.
Farm bricks are fragile, furthermore they are burnt with fire wood. Semi commons are the closest type of brick to solid common bricks.
Farm bricks are those bricks we always visit our reserves to see, they were used in rurals as an alternative to stones and rocks.
When we look at semi commons you can not find them anywhere else in Zimbabwe except from us.
Semi commons are made from clay excavated deep down in the ground about 2m or more below ground level. We mix the clay with various ingredients which strengthens the soil and help resist cracking and breaking. The clay is then mixed with water thoroughly.
Mixture is placed into steel brick former and hand pressed. After pressing and shaping, the wet bricks are then laid on clean plain ground to dry. While drying in the sun they are frequently pressed with a flat steel sheet for smoothing.
When they get dry, we shift them and pack them creating a pyramid like heap leaving tiny spaces between them. Coal follows filling in the tiny spaces.
We then cover the whole heap with wet clay as we do when plastering. Note that the coal put between the bricks is linked all the way from the bottom to the top. Few openings are left to allow for lighting and oxygen.
Fire is then lit and it begins spreading in the pyramid like oven, it spreads and lights up every piece of coal. The raw semi common bricks are burnt until the coal runs out. Plastering is removed giving access to the ready for market semi common brick.
Bricks are then taken of the pyramid and packed in a way easy for any one to calculate or count them.
The strength of these bricks is fairly great and they are widely used in all new residential areas in Zimbabwe. People in Carledonia, Southerly Park, Damofalls, Ruwa, Hopley, Saturday retreat and other new high density areas are using these bricks to build homes.
Due to the reason that they are not certified as standard, you may need to consult responsible local building inspectors from city council if you intend to use them without any stage approval problems. They are strong and guaranteed to last for more years when compared to farm bricks. Furthermore these can not be used for medium and low density houses construction.
Houses built with farm bricks more than 50 years ago are still standing. So we believe semi commons can last longer than that.
Like any other bricks you probably need a good artisan to work on your house or durawall if you need it to last with these bricks. Plastering is a must soon after construction.
- cheap price
- good strength
- good shape
- beautiful look
- always available
- breakages allowance provided
- famous and great usage
- prices are inflated during rainy seasons
- hand pressed
- one point of manufacture
- not approved by Standards Associations Of Zimbabwe
People building in old high density, medium density and low density areas can only use these bricks for dura-walls to avoid inconveniences from council.
Combination Materials
Mortar mixtures of pitsand cement and water for brickwork and plastering
A single semi common brick costs only $0.05
10 bricks cost $0.5
100 bricks cost $5.00
1000 bricks cost $50.00
10 000 bricks cost $500.00
Most of all prices are always negotiable to meet your affording. Transportation available.
Get semi common bricks Sunday – Saturday 8am to 4pm.
Call/Whatsapp: +263778767374 & +263716782260
Email: sales@zbms.co.zw
In conclusion building in Zimbabwe is getting even easy and cheap with us your number one building materials suppliers.
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