50kg Bat Guano 2 in 1 (Top & Compound D)



50kg Bat Guano Compound D & Top Fertilizer. 2 IN 1


Bat guano is a 2 in 1 rich source of various compounds that make it a valuable natural fertilizer. Some of the key compounds found in bat guano include:

1. Nutrients:
– Nitrogen (N): 10-15%
– Phosphorus (P): 3-5%
– Potassium (K): 1-3%
– Calcium (Ca): 1-2%
– Magnesium (Mg): 0.5-1%
2. Micronutrients:
– Iron (Fe)
– Zinc (Zn)
– Copper (Cu)
– Manganese (Mn)
– Boron (B)
3. Organic matter:
– Humic acids
– Fulvic acids
– Amino acids
4. Microorganisms:
– Beneficial bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas, Bacillus)
– Fungi (e.g., Trichoderma, Aspergillus)
5. Other compounds:
– Urea
– Ammonia
– Carbonates
– Sulfates

These compounds work together to provide a balanced and slow-release source of nutrients.