A list of all the types of roofing materials for both flat and heaped roofs. This schedule helps you when compiling a list of things needed for any specific design you want. Flat roofs require less materials hence cheaper. Heaped roofs need more materials and they are considerably expensive but very beautiful. So now lets head off with what you need for a flat one.
Flat roofs
Under this type of roofing, what really determines the kind of material is your budget. You can use, asbestos, chromadec, ibr, qtile, transluscent, galvanized, corrugated steel sheets and so forth. However all these roofing sheets come with minor disadvantages, the major one being weather. When using flat roof it is often impracticable to use ceiling hence, when cold all those sheets also adopts cold temperatures into your house, same with, when hot. And to add up, using alucushion and alububble might be risky especially in this modern era where gas is now the main source of power for cookers. This is different with asbestos as it is weather proof. It will take a very harsh weather before asbestos can let the outside temperatures into your shelter.
So under the flat roof option, we will go with asbestos as the recommended cover. And as a whole you will need asbestos nails, wire nails, 76 by 38 by 6m or 114 by 38 by 6m and 152 by 38 by 6m timber.
Heaped roofing
Heaped roofing requires quite a number of materials that include: (Some are alternatives)
- Sheets
- Concrete Tiles
- Harvey Tiles
- Wire Nails
- Safetop Nails
- Timber
- Single Shoes
- Double Shoes
- Alucushion or Alububble
- Ridges
Lastly there is great need for ceiling installation before moving in.
Now that completes the list of all types of roofing materials for flat and heaped roofs.